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Morgan Mackenzie & David Harrison — Minted

Morgan Mackenzie


David Harrison

Morgan Mackenzie and David Harrison

We can't wait to celebrate with you on

Our Story

New Year's Eve, 2021. Like all modern-day romances, David & Morgan met online a few weeks before the holidays. They had sent messages back and forth, but had never met. Both skeptical of online dating, they weren't sure they even would...Which is why at nine o'clock on December 31st David shocked himself when he invited her - a stranger - to meet him at The Peace Center for a NYE Marcus King concert. Unknown to him, Morgan was back home for the holidays (and recovering from covid) and her answer was going to be no.

January, 2022. David's sitting in Spill the Beans in Downtown Greenville with two cups of coffee on the table beside him. Looking out onto Main Street, he's checking his watch, wondering if his date is about to no show. But Morgan - who is forever running late - is only a block away from taking the seat next to him.

May, 2023. The curtain closes on the cast of Jagged Little Pill, as the seventh show of the Peace Center Broadway season ends. As the applause fades out, David turns to Morgan and suggests they check out the view from the front row. They've had the same seats for months now, and she's curious why he would want to switch seats with only a few shows left in the season. But he seems persistent and so they head to the front row as the theatre empties around her. She sits, and then stands, and turns to see if David is ready to head home when she finds him down on one-knee, a ring in his hand and wanting to know if she would be his forever plus-one? This time, her answer is YES!